Simmered Vegees Japan Kanako

"Simmered vegees ( 4 servings)"

Carrot - 150 g (2 carrot)
10 small taro roots - about 2 lbs or 800 g
1 deep-fried tofu (wrapper)
Snow peas - 2 oz (50 g)
Bonito soup base powder - 10 g (1 bag)
2tbsp sugar - 34 g
5 ml mirin
30 ml soy sauce

1. Soak dried shiitake in hot water for 20 minuets. (Keep the water you used.) Remove their stems. Cut each shiitake to half.
2. Boil satoimos 10 minuets. Drain water, and peal.
3. Wash carrot. Peal, and cut it coarsely, about 2cm pieces.
4. Blanch deep-fried tofu and cut it into 3cm square pieces.
5. Put all vegees except snow peas into the pan and pour water till it covers the vegees, add dashionomoto and boil.
6. When it boils, add sugar and deep-fried tofu and simmer 5 minuets.
7. When vegees get soft, add mirin, 2tbsp of the water used to soak shiitake, and soy source. Simmer 15-20 minuets. (Might need more simmering time).
8. Wash snow peas. Add them and boil 1-2 minuets (till their color changes, but pay attention not to boil peas too long).

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